TextSoap 是一款Mac上强大易用的文字格式快速处理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 8.4.1 版本,这个软件可以让我们快速的调整一段文字的格式,如删除多余的空格、空行、Tab、转换字母为大写、HTML实体编码转换等等上百个功能,非常的强大,当你遇到一大段格式混乱的文字急需处理时,这款软件绝对可以帮助我们节省大量的时间。
TextSoap can automatically remove unwanted characters, fix up messed up carriage returns, and do pretty much anything else that we can think of to text. Save time and effort. Be more productive. Stop manually fixing text documents and emails. Let TextSoap help you automate away all that tediousness. And do it all from within your favorite app using TextSoap Menu. Enable it in preferences and access TextSoap in most apps that support standard copy and paste.

TextSoap for Mac 8.4.1